Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The foolish one

I am the foolish one of the bunch. The one that left the religion of my youth and dishonored my parents and did what I wanted and lived a lie only to find the out that the truth was something I had to receive and believe. It is not from below - it is from above. It is not of this world, and nor am I. Not any more. He lives within me.

I am the foolish one of the bunch. The one who you will not find in church every Sunday hiding my candle under a basket. I became the salt and the light and not one second by my own accord. I found out wisdom is bred in the heart of the man who finds The Rock, at rock bottom, and the foolishness tied up within this heart was untangled by His wisdom. He was merciful, when I was unworthy.

I am the foolish one of the bunch. The one who was the life of the party. Today I find solace and comfort in the quiet places; avoiding large crowds and clubs and and all of the things I used to do and be in this world. He saw value and purpose, when I believed that I would always be just another rolling stone. I now rest upon The Rock. I await His rest.

I am the foolish one of the bunch. The one who stole and lied and cheated my way to nowhere, only to find that I was lost. That is where He found me. All alone in a basement where I thought I belonged. His love and kindness changed how I saw myself. The smallest seed in the darkest place becomes the biggest tree. I found the cross at these crossroads. His water, brought me to life.

I am the foolish one of the bunch. The one who believes that there is an all loving knowing seeing and existing Creator who has individual care and concern for this heart of mine that trumps every relationship I have ever had. On my best day and worst day, He is all I ever need. I do not fear being alone any longer, for I know that I never will be.

I am the foolish one. The one who believes that religion is a lie, and faith is not. That the power in Jesus name alone will move the mountains before me. Healed and sealed and loved from above from God who pulled me away from the sin within. I cannot take credit for all of the changes I have made. I prayed for every one of them. Every single one. He hears me. He knows me. He loves me.

I am wise, because I was foolish. I am hated, because I am loved. I am everything that Jesus said I could be. An overcomer. And for me and this fool I used to be, that will always, always - be enough.

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