Sunday, May 22, 2016

Love is...

Love is no art or science. No mathematical algorithms can define in numbers what it feels like to know what love is. It is pleasure and pain, sometimes it's the rain and the Sun. It is the times of your life and found in the tears we cry. It's a flower just because, it's what it is in what we see, and not what things that used to be. Love is found under creek rocks when I was 10, those innocent memories I can never abandon; love does that. It is the fragility we see in those once strong, and strength come alive in a man once weak. Love is the enduring promise deep within that tomorrow will be better for you and for me. It is overcoming our yesterday's come what may, and enduring what yet remains. Love recalls not the times we have failed, for it makes a pathway of the stones that made us fall. Love believes without regret and holds on in faith for dear life. It waits for the new day to dawn on the darkness of our past, a candle in the wind to the storms of our life. It is whispers in the ear that calm the heart of the troubled; it is the hand that reaches out without restraint. Love is found in the many little things we recall on a rainy day thinking about mom and dad and days behind wrapped in simplicity. It is big brother who is larger than life and smaller than me. It knows no boundaries aside from the walls we choose to contain it. Love is from God our Father, found in His Son Jesus. It is a gift to know, a blessing to give, the reasons we die for the reasons we live. It never fails. It completes the broken and heals the shattered. It puts us back together, when all we used to see in the reflection of ourselves was regret.

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